Coffee Talk Request Form

Coffee Talk: Creating Community Through Individual Connection.

Inspiration can be found in the most unassuming of places if we are open enough to receive it. Some of you may recall the legendary SNL (Saturday Night Live) skit, Coffee Talk, featuring comedian Mike Myers. As odd as it may sound, this skit is where I found my inspiration to lay down a foundational piece of CeDAR’s Alumni Program: Coffee Talk. Simply put, Coffee Talk creates community through individual connection. It is an opportunity for you and I to spend some 1:1 time together discussing experiences, recovery goals, recovery challenges and everything in between. If we meet in-person, your coffee is on me (or whatever you’d like). I’m looking forward to connecting with you!

I am available during standard business hours Monday-Friday, which may be challenging if you also work the same hours. Just let me know and we can work something out!