CeDAR Newsletter

CeDAR Connects Alumni Newsletter

September 16th, 2021 | Volume 4

Happy Recovery Month 2021! National Recovery Month has been going strong for 32 years since being launched by SAMHSA in an effort to recognize & celebrate recovery achievement stories. As your Alumni Coordinator, I am in an unique position where I get to bear witness to the transformation in each of you. A transformation that can only be initiated through the practice of recovery. Recovery is just that, a practice.
Head Shot
While you're reading this, take advantage of the moment at hand to check-in with yourself. Ask yourself, how is my recovery practice is going? Do I have a steady pace or have I slowed down my activity? Perhaps you may even be feeling stuck. It happens. Recovery is very rhythmic & we can oftentimes find ourselves at risk of isolation & relapse when we lose our momentum. Upon your self check-in, I encourage you to read through this newsletter (yes, links & all) to learn how you can get involved, get connected & tune your recovery to a rhythm that works for you. I see you. Keep going!

I am available for virtual & in-person one-on-ones. We can discuss recovery planning, relapse prevention, service opportunities & more! Reach out to get scheduled. If you'd like to join our private CeDAR Alumni Facebook group, click here. Once we're connected, I will send you an invite. We have an active group of over 600 alumni!

New Programming:

Alumni Support Group
We've launched a new drop-in virtual alumni support group. The aim is to simply offer an additional layer of support for community members.
Join us Fridays from 1pm-2pm MST: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82813273002 Password: Support

Supporting retirees and those 50+
We have started a virtual support group for retirees. Not to limit our reach, the group will welcome those who are 50+, even if you are not yet retired. The group is on Wednesdays 1pm-2pm MST:
Password: 1693CO

An Evening with The Addiction Nutritionist:

We first welcomed Kelly Miller, The Addiction Nutritionist, last March where she facilitated a virtual nutrition seminar. Since Kelly was such a hit, with nearly 50 people in attendance, we have scheduled a second seminar on Wednesday, September 22nd from 6:30pm-7:30pm on Zoom.

Kelly will teach us about the biochemical root causes of addiction and the nutritional strategies that can help you improve mood, reduce cravings and prevent relapse. This presentation will offer a few simple tools to help you get started right away. Sign-up for your free ticket through Eventbrite here.

Clothing & Toiletry Pantry:

Too often, we were finding patients in need of certain clothing or toiletry items, either due to lack of resources or forgetting to pack them. We did not have an efficient way of being able to fulfill their needs, so to better serve the patients we care for, we have launched a clothing and toiletry pantry. If you would like to contribute any new or gently used items, we have compiled a wish list with instructions on how to donate below!

Recovery Meetings:

We've got a robust calendar of virtual & in-person recovery meetings to explore. A great way to get involved and be of service is to support in-house meetings through participation and leading meetings. Our patients always love and appreciate when alumni show up!

We Do Recover!

For September's volume, we thought we would do something a bit different with the We Do Recover section. Instead of featuring one alumni recovery story, we have asked several alumni what recovery means to them in honor of National Recovery Month. Check it out!

Oh, for Beauty's Sake:

In this month's recovery resource spotlight, alumni contributor, Jean U. sits down with recovery powerhouse, Racquel Garcia, founder of HardBeauty, an organization offering recovery coaching, peer-led groups and a variety of virtual and in-person offerings ranging from goal mapping to creative writing.

Alumni Celebration:

    Join us in celebration of National Recovery Month and our amazing CeDAR Alumni Community on Saturday, September 25th at Prairie Meadows Park from 11am-2pm.

    Historically, we have held an annual celebration on CeDAR's Campus. Unfortunately, we are again unable to do so (fingers crossed for 2022), however we still wanted to plan a time where we could all get together to fellowship in community and celebrate recovery.

    So, we are going hold an unofficial celebration complete with a meeting, sobriety chips, lawn games and more. For details, and to learn of other virtual and in-person recovery-oriented activities happening throughout the month of September, click the button below. I hope to see you!